Gentle, alcohol-free facial toner. Recommended for all skin types, particularly for demanding skin prone to irritation. Contains Collagen, D-panthenol, Aloe Vera and Noni extracts. Its formula rich in active ingredients provides perfect toning, moisturising and skin refreshing effects. Prevents flaking of the epidermis. It helps restore the natural hydrolipid balance in the epidermis as well as correct pH. The Toner has an anti-bacterial, skin strengthening and stimulating effect.


  • Improves skin hydration
  • Restores the correct pH balance of the skin
  • Cleans, refreshes and tones the skin
  • Has a soothing and anti-inflammatory action


Collagen - stimulates regeneration processes, deeply moisturizes and regenerates.

Aloe extract - contains a number of valuable compounds such as amino acids, including exogenic amino acids that form part of the natural moisturising factor, vitamins A, C and E, all vitamins from the B group as well as folic acid, all important for maintaining healthy skin; micro- and macroelements, including calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, chromium and zinc responsible for proper nourishment of the skin. Moreover, Aloe Vera extract contains enzymes and hydroxyacids to assist in the removal of dead epidermis cells and in regenerating the epidermis, naturally preventing skin aging. Aloe Vera also contains ingredient with astringent, mildly disinfecting and cleansing properties. A wide variety of beneficial substances ensures unusual comfort for the skin, particularly for people with dry, sensitive skin prone to irritation. Providing compounds necessary for the skin to function properly, Aloe Vera extract strengthens the skin, restores its firmness, elasticity and healthy tone.

Fruitliquid Noni PG - extract from fruits of a tropical plant called Morinda Citrifolia. For over 2000 years the plant has been used by Polynesian physicians and healers. As many as 100 important ingredients have been found in Noni, including magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and iron as well as large quantities of vitamin C, pro-vitamin A, vitamins from the B group and a series of unique proteins and enzymes. The extract highly nourishes, revitalises and regenerates the skin and ensures its adequate hydration.

Glycerine - one of the oldest ingredients used for moisturising the skin. Its action is connected with its ability to absorb and bind water. In this way it helps moisturise dry skin prone to happing. Glycerine has excellent soothing properties, making the skin smooth, improving its elasticity and managing the processes of epidermis renewal.

D-panthenol - biologically active precursor of vitamin B5 (panthotenic acid), present in all living tissues. It has unusual ability to bind water in the skin. Soothes irritations and allergic conditions. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles by nourishing and revitalising the skin. Helps maintain a youthful appearance.

Application method

Apply a moderate amount of the toner to a cosmetic pad and wipe over the face. Leave to dry. Use every day in the morning and evening.