Gentle cream intended for the care of delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. The product contains Collagen, Pepha®-Tight and Moist 24TM with excellent moisturising, skin firming and stimulating properties. Eyeseryl® in the preparation formula improves microcirculation and eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes but also reduces the appearance of wrinkles. The Elixir revitalises and rebuilds the epidermis with a special consideration to the sensitivity of the area. Just after the first application the skin around the eyes is better hydrated, lighter and smooth. Collagen Under Eye Elixir will make your look radiant.



  • Active prevention of premature ageing of the skin around the eyes
  • Cares for the demanding and very dry skin around the eyes
  • Moisturises, smoothes and firms the skin
  • Has soothing properties and eliminates puffiness
  • Adds radiance and fresh feeling to the skin


Eyeseryl® – (active tetrapeptide) has strong anti-swelling action and provides effective and longlasting elimination of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. Satisfactory results are visible after 15 days of treatment. Clinical tests proved Eyeseryl® effectiveness as regards improving condition of the skin around the eyes: 95% of women testing the preparation reported reduced puffiness and dark circles under the eyes and 95% of women noticed that their skin had become smoother and healthier.

Moist 24TM – is a modern moisturising factor obtained from a desert plant Imperata cylindrica. The ingredient ensures intense and long-lasting moisturising effect up to 24 hours. Moist 24TM provides significant quantities of two valuable substances: potassium and DMSP (natural 3-dimethylsulphopropionate particle). A synergistic action of the two ingredients ensures osmotic balance in the skin cells and thus a long-lasting and intense hydration.

Collagen – it is a protein that makes up about 30% of the total human protein mass and as much as 70% of the skin protein. Collagen and elastin form a flexible net in the dermis, which helps the skin maintains its firmness and flexibility but also makes a fibroblast support. Moreover, the collagen has a unique ability of binding water and thus regulates proper skin hydration. Collagen boosts skin renewal processes, deeply regenerates, moisturises and firms the skin.

Aloe extract – contains a number of valuable compounds i.e. amino-acids, including exogenic amino-acids from the Natural Moisturising Factor (NMF), vitamin A, C and E, vitamins from the B group and folic acid – all of them being micro- and macroelements important for the skin. Such elements as calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, chromium and zinc ensure proper nourishment of the skin. Moreover, aloe vera extract contains enzymes and hydroxyacids assisting in the removal of dead epidermis cells and its regeneration and thus naturally preventing skin ageing. Aloe contains substances with astringent, disinfecting and cleaning properties. Such a great number of substances ensures a unique comfort of the skin, particularly in people with dry, sensitive skin prone to irritation. Delivering compounds necessary for proper skin functioning the aloe vera extract makes the skin stronger, restores its firmness, flexibility and healthy tone.

Pepha®-Tight – it is a modern biotechnological extract of Nannochloropsis oculata algae, combined with a carefully selected polysaccharide fraction. For hundreds of years of their evolution, the applied algae have formed some unique protective mechanisms also valuable for skin protection. Moreover, the algae are a rich source of essential nutrients such as: amino-acids, effective anti-oxidants and vitamins, C and B12 in particular. The ingredient has a dual action:
immediately after the application the selected polysaccharides firm and smooth the skin around the eyes, providing an immediate skin-lifting effect. Besides the immediate result, the ingredient also provides a long-lasting effect as its anti-oxidants protect the skin against oxidative stress, which is the main cause of skin ageing. The Pepha®-Tight ingredients also stimulate synthesis of collagen type I – a substance indispensable for firm skin. A long-lasting action of the ingredient improves skin flexibility and firmness and leaves the wrinkles shallower.

Vitamin E – is one of the strongest natural anti-oxidants. The vitamin is recommended for treating all skin types but in particular for mature skin suffering from insufficient hydration, wrinkles and dull tone. Vitamin E is also called “a vitamin of youth”. It captures free radicals damaging the skin structure and thus prevents its premature ageing and appearance of wrinkles. Moreover, it prevents epidermis dehydration so that the epidermis remains flexible and firm. It restores vitality and radiance of the skin. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties vitamin E boosts recreation of new cells.

Borage oil – is an extremely valuable substance used only in the best cosmetics. The oil is particularly recommended for dry, cracked and flaking skin. It contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, including up to 25% of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that is an essential ingredient of human epidermis. The acid is indispensable for maintaining proper functions of the skin. Borage oil soothes irritations, assists skin regeneration and prevents its premature ageing. Thanks to its unique composition it controls skin hydration, softens the epidermis, reduces tissue tension and resulting itching.

Application method

Delicately rub a small amount of the Elixir into previously cleaned skin, with circular movements, day and night. Apply the preparation starting at the outer corner of the eye, inwards.