Extraordinarily mild emulsion for make-up removal intended for every type of skin, especially for sensitive and demanding complexion. Being a delicate preparation based on exceptionally mild, selected ingredients, the milk is very well-tolerated by skin. The milk contains active ingredients, such as: Collagen, Matrixyl® 3000, Moist 24TM, Borage oil, Vitamin E, D-panthenol, Allantoin and Aloe extract. Such rich formulation guarantees exceptional effects of the cosmetic. Collagen Vitalizing Milk thoroughly removes any impurities, providing at the same time exceptional feeling of comfort. It regulates the functions of skin and softens irritation. It moisturises and nourishes the skin, recovering it natural colour and firmness. It prepares the skin for further cosmetic procedures.


  • Effectively and delicately removes impurities
  • Cares, moisturises and firms the skin
  • Soothes and softens irritation


D-panthenol – biologically active precursor of vitamin B5 (panthotenic acid), which is present in all live tissues. It has an exceptional ability to bind moisture in the skin. It soothes irritation and allergic conditions. It prevents wrinkles formation by nourishing and vitalising the complexion. It facilitates the maintenance of young looks.

Collagen – is a protein that comprises 30% of human proteins and 70% of skin protein. Along with elastin collagen creates an elastic net in the dermis, which makes it more flexible and firm, supporting fibroblasts. Collagen is also an excellent water absorber, which improves skin moisturisation. Collagen induces regeneration process, deeply renovates, moisturises and firms the skin.

Borage oil – is exceptionally valuable component used only in the best cosmetics. The oil is especially recommended for dried, cracking and exfoliating skin. It contains large quantities of essential unsaturated fatty acids, including up to 25% of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is an essential component of human epidermis. The acid is indispensable to maintain proper functions of skin. Borage oil visibly soothes any irritation and helps regenerate the skin, preventing premature ageing. Due to unique contents it regulates the moisturisation of skin, softens the epidermis, and decreases the tension of tissues and accompanying itching.

Allantoin – has regenerating effects and accelerates the regeneration of damaged epidermis. It shows strong soothing and softening characteristics. It decreases burning sensation and redness of sensitive skin. It has moisturising, smoothing and softening effects; makes the skin look healthy.

Aloe extract – it is extremely rich in valuable compounds, i.e. amino acids, including exogenous amino acids of NMF (Natural Moisturising Factor), vitamins A, C, E, group B vitamins, as well as pteroylglutamic acid - all very important for the health of skin, micro- and macroelements, among which the most valuable are: calcium, sodium, potassium, manganese, chromium and zinc, guaranteeing the proper nourishment of skin. Moreover, aloe extract contains enzymes and hydroxyl acids helping in the removal of dead epidermal cells and supporting its regeneration, thus naturally contributing to prevention of skin ageing. Aloe contains also substances of astringent, slightly disinfecting and washing characteristics. The richness of substances guarantees exceptional comfort of skin especially for people with dry, sensitive skin with a tendency for irritation. By providing compounds necessary for proper functioning of skin, aloe extract visibly strengthens it, as well as restores its firmness, elasticity and healthy colour.

Moist 24TM – is a modern moisturising component obtained from a desert plant Imperata cylindrica. This component guarantees intense and long-lasting moisturisation that can be felt for 24 hours. Moist 24TM supplies the skin with two valuable compounds: one of potassium and DMSP (natural molecule of 3-dimethylsulphopropionate). The synergistic action of these components guarantees proper osmotic balance in skin cells, thus providing it with lasting and visible moisturisation.

Vitamin E – is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. The vitamin is recommended for care of any type of complexion, especially dedicated to mature skin with insufficient moisturisation, wrinkles and sallow colour. “The vitamin of youth”, as vitamin E is often called, captures free radicals damaging the structures of skin, preventing premature ageing and wrinkles formation. It protects the epidermis from drying, preventing the decrease in elasticity and firmness. It restores young vitality and glow. The anti-inflammatory and regenerating characteristics of vitamin E promote the renovation of new tissues.

Matrixyl® 3000 – is a modern component of cosmetics containing matrikines. The small molecules are carriers of information on renovation and repair of skin. Thanks to their small sizes they penetrate into the skin reaching fibroblasts and activating them to proliferate and produce the components of extracellular matrix: collagen and elastin responsible for the proper firmness and elasticity of skin, hialuronic acid responsible for the proper moisturisation of skin, and fibronectin guaranteeing proper communication between the components of the matrix. Due to that complex activity wrinkles are shallower and smaller, and small lines are smoothed. The skin becomes elastic, smooth and glowing, or simply younger.

Application method

In the morning and in the evening apply small amount of the preparation to face, neck and neckline with fingertips or a cotton pad. Massage gently and gather thoroughly. Then use Collagen Tonic.